Gabriele von Ehrenfeldt | Kriminalgeschichten | Startseite
Gabriele von Ehrenfeldt | Bücher | Übersicht

Dead Lonely Souls
Independently published
Amazon KDP, 2020

Unfortunately, something terrible happened on Thursday.”
“Now it’s your turn to tell us the story! Of course, only if it’s allowed,” Soares urged the detective to explain, glad that the issue of ‘Olga’ was drowned out by Carola and Conny, MS, brandy, and a new case.
“Of course I can, it was in the news today.”
Neither Soares nor Wolgrath had had a look at the local paper, so Mehrfeldt had to provide the information.
“A very abominable case,” he said gloomily. “The day before yesterday, garbage-men discovered a little girl. Sandra Lehmann. Dead.”
“In the garbage? In Tübingen?” breathed Manuel Soares who couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that in an academic city like Tübingen with all its brainy folks something so insidious could happen.
“Yes. In Tübingen. At the garbage dump. We think that the child was kidnapped on her way home from school. The girl went missing on Monday. On Thursday, she was found. The body fell from a bin bag as the digger piled up the garbage. The bag wasn’t tied up well enough.”
“That’s terrible!” Soares shouted in dismay.
“Does that mean that the girl would never have been found had the bag been tied up well enough?” Wolgrath’s voice was glassy.
“It’s most likely, as bizarre as it sounds. Of course, the rats could eventually ...”